Titanic Artifact Exhibition

Titanic Artifact Exhibition In Las Vegas

The story of the Titanic is something that almost everyone knows. People never seem to get tired of hearing the stories of what happened on that night and they want to be able to know what it was like on that night. Now you have a chance to see and hear more about that fateful night and that unsinkable ship when you visit the Tropicana Hotel and Casino. The Titanic Artifact Exhibition offers over 300 authentic items that were recovered from the Titanic.
The artifacts in this exhibition were recovered from the spot where the Titanic sunk, 2 ½ miles under the water where this famous luxury liner has been left. One of the things that people find interesting about the Titanic Artifact Exhibition is that in addition to seeing these wonderful items you will also learn the stories of the passengers that were on the Titanic. Some of the artifacts include everyday items like razor blades and diamond rings. However, there are many other breathtaking pieces such as a 15 ton section of the side of the ship. You will even be able to look out the portholes that remain intact.

As you move past the side of the ship you will be able to see the boiler room, some of the first class passenger rooms that were recreated for this exhibit, and the hallways that the passengers of the Titanic would walk down to get where they were going. A replica of the Grand Staircase and the Promenade Deck are also available in this excellent exhibit.